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My name is Shu Liu. I am a Hedrick Assistant Adjunct Professor in the Department of Mathematics at UCLA. I obtained my Ph.D. from the Computational Science & Engineering program at Georgia Institute of Technology in 2022 under the supervision of Dr. Haomin Zhou. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics from Zhejiang University in 2016. Here is my CV.
My research focuses on scientific computing, numerical analysis, and machine learning, with an emphasis on efficient, scalable algorithms for partial differential equations and beyond:
- Design numerical methods with accuracy guarantees for simulating Wasserstein geometric flows.
- Primal-dual algorithms using natural gradients for numerical PDEs and optimal transport problems, including classical and machine learning methods.
In addition, I am also interested in sampling and optimal control problems on graphs.
Feel free to contact me (shuliu[at]math[dot]ucla[dot]edu) if you are interested in my research!